BPTPhysiotherapy is a field which provides information about human body mechanics
in normal and abnormal state of health.


BPT Graduate Program

BPT is a Graduate Program that spans three years, with the first two focusing on foundational sciences across health and physiotherapy. Anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, pathology, and microbiology are taught by medical faculty specialists. Humanities like sociology, psychology, ethics, and law are instructed by respective experts. Core physiotherapy science such as biomechanics, exercise therapy, and electrotherapy are taught by dedicated faculty. Ethical considerations are integrated in the second year, tailored specifically for physiotherapy practice. English and Kannada courses accommodate diverse student needs.

The third year emphasizes clinical studies. Medical aspects are taught by faculty from relevant medical disciplines, while core subjects are covered by college experts. Research becomes a focal point in the fourth year, complemented by a mandatory research project.

The curriculum employs diverse teaching methodologies: didactic lectures, experiential learning, problem-based learning, participative sessions, and independent study. Clinical rotations in the third and final years are competency-based. During a six-month internship, students rotate through various departments, engaging in patient care and administrative duties under supervision. The internship includes exposure to evidence-based practice through journal clubs and evidence synthesis programs.


The BPT curriculum includes a six-month rotational internship in various specialty areas. JSS Hospital provides comprehensive facilities for internship across all specialties. Additionally, JSS College of Physiotherapy offers a robust community based rehabilitation program. We welcome students from other colleges, including those from different countries, to participate in either the entire internship or specific parts of the program.

Fee Structure

Intern Handbook

BPT FEE Strucute 2024

BPT Fee Structure 2024-2025






Course Curriculum - BPT

First year BPT [Duration 0 -12 months]
Sl. No. Subject Teaching hours
Weekly Class hours Total Theory Practical
Main Subjects: For University Examination
1 Anatomy 8 240 150 90
2 Physiology 7 210 150 60
3 Biochemistry 2 60 60
4 Biomechanics 6 180 90 90
5 Psychology 2 60 60
6 Sociology 2 60 60
Subsidiary subjects: Not for University Examination
7 English 2 60 60
8 Kannada 2 60 60
9 Basic Nursing 1 30 20 10
10 Orientation to Physiotherapy 1 30 30
11 Integrated Seminars / PBL sessions 3 90 90
Total 36 1080 830 250

Unit Plan May 2024


Unit Plan February 2024

Academic Calender 2021

2nd BPT UP January 2024

2nd BPT UP January 2024

2nd BPT UP January 2024

Second year BPT [Duration 13 -24 months]
Sl. No. Subject Teaching hours
Weekly Class hours otal Theory Practical Clinics

Main Subjects: For University Examination

1 Pathology 2 60 45 15
2 Microbiology 2 60 45 15
3 Pharmacology 2 60 60
4 Exercise Therapy 9 270 120 150
5 Electrotherapy 8 240 90 150

Subsidiary subjects: Not for University Examination

6 Ethics and Admin 1 30 30
7 First Aid & CPR 1 30 10 20
8 Constitution of India 1 30 30
9 Introduction to Treatment 1 30 30
10 Clinical Observation Posting 9 270 270
Total 34 1080 460 350 270

Unit Plant May 2024

Unit Plant February 2024

Third year BPT [Duration 25 -36 months]
Sl. No. Subject Teaching hours
Weekly Class hours Total Theory Practical Clinics
Main Subjects: For University Examination
1 General Medicine 2 60 60
2 General Surgery 2 60 60
3 Orthopedics & Traumatology 2 60 60
4 Musculoskeltal And Sports Physiotherapy 5 150 90 60
5 Cardio- Respiratory & General Physiotherapy 5 150 90 60
6 Supervised Rotatory Clinical Training 18 540 540
Subsidiary subjects: Not for University Examination
7 Allied Therapies 2 60 60
Total 36 1080 420 120 540

Unit Plant May 2024

Unit Plant February 2024

Fourth year BPT [Duration 37 - 48 months]
Sl.No. Subject Teaching hours
Weekly Class hours Total Theory Practical Clinics

Main Subjects: For University Examination

1 Neurology & Neurosurgery 2 60 60
2 Community Medicine 2 60 60
3 Neuro-Physiotherapy 5 150 90 60
4 Community Physiotherapy 5 150 90 60
5 Research Methodology & 2 60 60
6 Supervised Rotatory Clinical Training 18 540 540

Subsidiary subjects: Not for University Examination

7 Evidence Based Physiotherapy Practice 1 30 20
8 Project 1 30 20
Total 37 1080 400 140 540

Unit Plan May 2024

Unit Plan February 2024


Geriatrics refers to clinical aspects of aging and the comprehensive health care of older persons. It is an area of medicine that focuses on health and diseases in old age. A geriatric fitness specialist is a combination of a fitness worker and a physical therapist, who is trained specifically to promote the fitness while working around the ailments of the elderly.


The elderly are at more risks of fall, apart from the other pre existing medical conditions, so, addressing falls and its associated risk factors is one of the primary goals for physiotherapist


Includes all patients above age of 60 years who visit the geriatric clinic/ physiotherapy department of JSS Hospital.


  • To identify risk of fall in elderly patients by performing simple tests;
  • To teach set of exercises to improve strength, balance and co-ordination in order to overcome risk of falls.


Staff Physiotherapist.


All patients above 60 years coming for follow up/ consultation to the Geriatric clinic/ Physiotherapy department of JSS Hospital will be made to do Tinetti Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment (Tinetti POMA) and Timed Up and Go (TUG) tests, to assess the risk of falls.

Based on the interpretation of scores obtained in the two tests, suitable exercise intervention programme will be implemented on them.

Documentation will be made in the OPD referral card and entered in the patients’ Geriatric clinic register in the department.


To identify neonates and infants who are at high risk of developmental disability.


This includes neonates or infant’s developmental screening, evaluation and referral to pediatric physiotherapy department (if required) and documentation.


Staff Physiotherapist / Nursing in charge.


All the children will be screened to identify those at risk of delayed development. The movements of neonates or infant’s will be analyzed by standard assessment tools and those babies at risk will be identified and referred for further treatment in pediatric physiotherapy department. The documentation will be done and uploaded in g- drive of pediatric physiotherapy department.

In this course the student will learn the ethical principles related to health care and physiotherapy, rules of professional conduct in relationship with- patients, health care institutions, colleagues and peers, and medical and other professional. The main objective of this course is that after 15 hrs of lectures, the student will be able to follow the ethical principles in patient care spectrum with the confidentiality and responsibilities as per the rules and regulations of Indian Association of Physiotherapy.

In this course the student will learn the principles of administration and its applications in physiotherapy related to health care and physiotherapy, planning and organization in quality management, financial management, hospital administration, knowledge about National health policy and health care system in India. The main objective of this course is that after 15 hrs. of lectures, the student will have skills to manage and organize physiotherapy department in aspects of material management and quality assurance.

In this course the student will learn the Indian constitution in respect to fundamental rights and duties, directive principles of state policies, special rights in constitution, doctrine of separation of powers, election commission and state public service commissions. The main objective of this course is that after 30 hrs. of lectures, the student will have knowledge about the Indian constitution and sustainable development in India.